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Second Saturn Return

It takes between 27 and 30 years for Saturn to travel through the zodiac, so that means everyone goes through a Saturn return at the end of their 20s, 50s, and 80s. Thanks to Saturn's slow speed and retrogrades, each Saturn return lasts approximately three years.

How do I survive my second Saturn return?

How To Survive Your Next Saturn Return

  1. Take stock of all the positive elements of your life. Honor, relish, and celebrate them.
  2. Realize that the old ways of doing things no longer apply.
  3. Be gentle on yourself. ...
  4. Accept the unexpected. ...
  5. Manifest your goals.

At what age does Saturn return?

All people go through their Saturn return when they are roughly around the ages of 27 to 31. It happens again when someone is in their mid to late 50s. If someone is lucky enough to make it to their third one, this will take place near their late 80s.

What should you do during your Saturn return?

Your Saturn Return Survival Guide!

  • Never compare yourself to anyone else.
  • Take responsibility for your thoughts & actions. ...
  • Choose your place in the world carefully. ...
  • Start journalling, if you're not already. ...
  • Look at your issues around men. ...
  • Start to schedule your time.

Does Saturn return give marriage?

It's A Time For Marriage Or Divorce "Choices made in the blush of youth, don't necessarily withstand the test of time." Many times people also get married during a Saturn return. If they do, Hale says it could be a "fated relationship."

How long does Saturn stay in each house?

Saturn is a huge planet, farthest from the earth compared to other planets in the cosmic realm. It is a slow-moving planet, so slow that it spends around 2.5 years in each sign. It is one of the most feared planets in astrology, because it is associated with restrictions, challenges, denial and delay.

What can you not do during Saturn return?

What not to do during Saturn return:

  • Hold onto the past. Saturn returns can feel turbulent sometimes because some of us can't let go or learn from the past.
  • Settle for less than you deserve. Look, if you want your life to change for the better, then you have to stop settling, says Stardust. ...
  • Ignore big issues.

Why is Saturn return so hard?

Because Saturn is the planet of responsibilities, time, and wisdom, a Saturn Return is, basically, your astrological coming of age. It's the push you need to enter true adulthood. Saturn demands that you take full and complete accountability for your choices, propelling major — albeit challenging — transformation.

Why is Saturn return difficult?

During this period, you'll be faced with challenges, and questions about the life you're living and the life you want. Saturn returns feel particularly demanding because of the nature of Saturn itself. It's the planet of structure and duty, of limits and mortality.

What happens when Saturn matures?

Saturn matures from 35th till 36th year. Usually at this age some important Saturn lessons comes our way—about endurance, perseverance, overcoming suffering, taking extra responsibilities, paying off some karmic debt, completing some hard karma.

What does Saturn mean in love?

"In relationships, Saturn relates to our ability to stay committed, even during the tough times," says astrologer and psychic medium Rachel Lang.

What is a Saturn birthday?

Your Saturn Return is an astrological event that occurs every 27 to 29.5 years, when the planet Saturn returns to the sign and degree that it was at when you were born. It's associated with major life changes, like career changes, breakups, engagements, and relocations. It's a lot!

What does Saturn return feel like?

"Your Saturn return, which will happen two or three times in your life, is a period of getting really serious about who you are, what your legacy is, and what you're here to leave for the world," they explain. Needless to say, Saturn returns also present us with challenges and weightier responsibilities.

What is someone's Saturn return?

What is a Saturn Return? To put it simply, your Saturn Return is an astrological event that occurs every 27 to 29 and a half years. It marks the moment where Saturn (as in the planet) returns to the exact point it was when you were born.

What happens when Saturn is strong?

Strong Saturn in the 1st house : It denotes that the native will adapt to foreign customs and habits. He is a strong minded, passionate person and has well built thighs. Strong Saturn in the 2nd house : It denotes good health to the native. The native becomes the lord of huge wealth and property.

At what age Saturn gives marriage?

If Saturn sits in the 7th house, then the candidate shall get married only after 35 years or even more. What causes early marriage? When there are more number of benefic planets in the 7th house, the candidates shall get married at a very young age between 16 and 23 years for example.

Does Saturn deny marriage?

In astrology, Saturn is known to bring delay and slowness to related matters. So, its presence or association with the seventh house may become one of the major reasons for the delay in marriage.

Which planet causes problems in marriage?

Saturn and Rahu play the primary dominant role whereas, Sun influences subtly by playing the secondary role. If Saturn is the lord of the seventh house or posited in the seventh house, it creates a major negative impact in a marriage.

What are good Saturn houses?

As per vedic astrology is considered auspicious in 2nd, 7th, 3rd, 10th, and 11th House, but inauspicious in 4th, 5th, and 8th House. Below you will read about the effects of Saturn for all 12 houses.

Is Saturn return every 7 years?

Saturn Return Survival Guide by Lisa Stardust This transit occurs every 27 to 29 years, the length of time it takes for Saturn to travel through all 12 signs.

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